The Importance Of Humanity In Our Society

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Our society is very different now than it was decades ago. A society is the aggregate of people living together in an ordered community. Most humans, which are man or earthly beings, in our society are unfortunately no longer human beings. Being human essentially means having the ability to think rationally and to make connections both physically and spiritually along with have a relationship with other beings. We have built our lives around so many complex concepts that they have taken away our humanity. Humanity is the kindness, graciousness, human kind. Our lives revolve too much around technology, morality, money, consumerism, laws, values and beauty. These concepts have spoiled the definition of being human. Our civilization is formed …show more content…

Our society is almost completely run by technology. We are entertained, educated, and even socialize though technology. We have lost our sense of connection because almost everyone uses social media and their phones to message and talk to people digitally through text rather than talk to them in person or call them. This type of communication has gotten so big that it is being weird or awkward to just talk to someone you haven’t seen in a long time because nobody does it anymore. We lost that sense of connection we would get when we talked to a friend, family member or even a long-lost friend because we don’t physically see each other anymore. We do not experience different types of emotions anymore. In the movie “God Bless America” we are shown a scene where Frank the main character goes on a rant about how in America we reward the most uneducated, rude and loudest people and how we do not know right and wrong and that we have lost our souls. Franks statement apply to our current society because instead of using our technology to improve our society we ruin it and make our self’s Inhumane by watching reality T.V and getting seemingly useless information. Overtime we slowly get used to the things that are shown on T.V or our mobile devices. In addition, Frank from “God Bless America” ultimately ends up going on a rampage killing anyone he sees inhumane. Frank got to his …show more content…

We think that materials bring us happiness so we tend to buy things whether it is something that is expensive to show off to other people or something to entertain yourself with. In the movie “American Beauty” the main character Frank, in serval different scenes, consistently talked about how objects took over people’s lives and how it’s just an object. In the movie, Lester finds a way to stop being materialistic and we are shown how happen he becomes. Almost all his problems were gone and he was finally living life. Society has gotten far too materialistic. Money, a piece of paper, has taken over society. People have started to live so they can work and make money so they can buy objects. This is one of many problems with our society people should work to live so they can enjoy their life’s and be free from the materialistic and consumerism society. Once again, in the movie “American Beauty” Lester’s wife Carolyn is constituently shown having panic attacks because she is not selling houses and in turn is not making money. Later, we see Carolyn admiring her completion because he is so successful and has a lot of money and expectedly end up having an affair with him. People who are materialistic do not thing rationally because if they did they would not work so much for paper and objects so its shows that they are not

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