The Importance Of Human Relations In The Workplace

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Many of us feel the difficulties of going to work - this usually indicates that something in this workplace is not right. Sometimes, it comes to the current crisis because of major problems that emerged in the process of work, sometimes it comes to the job type dissatisfaction, or position in the company, but most often it comes to the bad atmosphere in the workplace, which destroys the working enthusiasm, motivation, creativity and productivity. I have chosen to discuss an article about the importance of human relations in the workplace. People with whom we work at work are the ones that we spend the most time with. We share our experiences and many important moments, and that is why it is very important that we get along with them. Our relations …show more content…

Managers often wonder why some people work a lot and do their job correctly, they feel loyalty to the company and achieve results as if they work for themselves, while others come to work and do their working hours just because they have to, with no visible results in the end of them as an individual. The question is whether management can influence the behavior and performance of their people in work and how? The success at work encourages employee satisfaction, which today is largely driven by direct or indirect relationship of manager towards them, and just that greatly affects the performance of employees. The answers to these seemingly simple questions can be found in the demanding field of motivation, its understanding, and that is expected from the good manager. Preventing or mitigating the threat of dissatisfaction is achieved by properly selected motivational techniques, which are largely dependent on the employee, his past achievements, ambition, sense of loyalty to the company… As a product of motivation come quality work, greater creativity, and ultimately what every employer strives, a higher efficiency of the entire

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