Triumph over Adversity: Inspiring Stories of Resilience

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Hardship is part of everyone's life, people just go through it differently. Hardship is something that causes suffering or deprivation. Some synonyms are adversity, asperity, hardness, difficulty, and rigor. Some near antonyms are advantage, break, and opportunity. Hardship a good thing, but it can also be your enemy if you allow it. The taliban shot Malala Yousafzai in the head for daring to to speak up for girls’ education in pakistan. She is alive and speaking today because she persevered. Temple Grandin was bullied for her autism all her life. People never believed in her, but she made a humane curved cattle chute that 35% of cattle in america are handled in. Hannelore Wolff endured the horrors of 8 labor and concentration camps. She was assaulted and abused. But she survived and wrote a book on how she pushed through all the hardship in the camps. Hannelore, Malala, and Temple have all had to go through hardship to get where they are now. The first example is of Malala Yousafzai. She speaks out for the importance of girls …show more content…

''In loving memory of my parents, Martin and Karoline Wolff, and my brothers Wolfgang and Selly, who were murdered by the Nazis. May their memories live forever.'' She's saying how the Nazis were murderers and killed her familly and she wants everyone to know they killed her loved ones. She never gave up, she looked for the bright side of things during the camps, she met her future husband Dick at one, she treasured an apple like it was candy and when she was put onto schindler's list she knew she would make it.''You can leave when i'm finished what I intended to do.'' Hannelore was raped by a guard who had manipulated her into trusting him, he promised her freedom. She says how nasty the guards are. They treat and call them pigs. She knows it's inhumane and can't do anything about it without being killed or beaten. She knew she couldn't give

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