The Importance Of Groups In Society

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As humans, one of the most frequent instinctive activities that we partake in is socializing. Our lives revolve around socializing with other people in our society in order to satisfy our many needs. In order for everyone’s needs to be met, we must all work together as a group. In society, there are many different types of groups that influence all types of different aspects of our lives. These groups are very influential throughout our lives because they influence as well as alter our views, choices and other factors of our lives on a daily basis. In groups, members of the group might have opinions that differ from one another. This often leads to a term known as groupthink. Groupthink, which was coined by psychologist Irving Janis, is when “members of a group ignore information that goes against the group consensus”(Chambliss and Eglitis, 2016). Even if a member of a group has a different opinion on a decision, the group as a whole will decide to ignore it and go through with the original decision that was made instead. Conformity is when choices, laws or rules are carried out uniformly by the member of a group because of the “unspoken pressure to conform to the …show more content…

An actor in another room was to memorize and repeat the words that were heard. Whenever the actor intentionally failed to memorize one of the given words, he would receive a shock of electricity from the volunteer. As the experiment went on, the scientist, who was also an actor, insisted that the volunteer continue delivering shocks even if they showed concern for the actor that was being shocked. The results showed that the majority of the volunteers who participated ended up obeying the “scientist” and delivered shocks to the actor. This was because they saw the “scientist” as a figure of authority, even if it meant harming another individual. (Chambliss and Eglitis,

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