The Importance Of Food Habits On Health

702 Words2 Pages

How food influences your health.

Our body needs “fuel” to function correctly, if that fuel is not correct, this can cause health problems. A correct diet is conformed by, vegetables, fruits, dairy products

without so many fats, meats.

When bad eating habits are out of control, this can cause health problems in the future. All foods affect your physical and mental health, everything you eat affects the immune system, physical performance and your health bone.

When you have a constant physical activity and a correct diet, you can prevent various cardiovascular problems, such as type 2 diabetes, you can control blood pressure and cholesterol.

The Food Groups.

food group


Whole grains: brown rice, buckwheat, whole wheat, …show more content…

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Be more active – get more exercise.

Be more active – get more exercise.

Eat less fast food/takeout

Get more sleep.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Be more active – get more exercise.

1.How many servings of fruits or vegetables do you eat per day?

2.How many times a week do you eat dinner at the table together with the family?

3.How many times a week do you eat breakfast?

4.How many times a week do you eat takeout or fast food?

5.How many hours per day do you look at a screen?

6.Is there a television set or Internet-connected device in your bedroom?

How many hours do you sleep each night?

How many minutes a day do you spend being active?

9.How many 8-ounce servings of the following do you drink a day?

Is there ONE thing you would be interested in changing now?

In conclusion, it is important for our body to eat and exercise because in these times processed food damages our body a lot and if we do not take care of ourselves we can have obesity or overweight diseases. Thanks to the interviews we did with our colleagues we could conclude that all people have a different organism and that most of them exercise which is good for the

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