The Importance Of Eye Color

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The eye color is a genetic biologic character in which is generally determined by pigmentation of the eye’s iris and the amount and reliance of the distribution of light that is enhanced by the stroma of the iris. According to In Siegel, & In Saukko, (2013), in human beings; the coloring of the iris differs from light brown to black which is dependent on the fact that, concentration of melanin in the iris pigment epithelium which is located at the rear of the iris, the melanin substance within the iris stroma is placed at the frontage of the iris and the cellular concentration, which consist of living cells of the stroma.
The look of the blue, green and the hazel eyes are generally contributed by the spread of radiance in the stroma. An observable fact can be related with the accounts for the blueness of the sky. As suggested by Jurmain, (2012), neither blue nor green pigments are always’ present in the human iris or even in the ocular fluid, which is connected with the eyes and vision. However, eye colure depends on the lighting conditions and in most cases for lighter colored eyes.
Most of the babies who possess the European ancestry have light colored eyes at their early age. As the infant develops to a fully-grown child, the cells that are created inside the iris of human eyes. Then, the babies skin and hair follicles gradually start to construct melanin. According to Jurmain, (2012), curtain eye colors change within the age bracket of one to three years. Accordingly, when taking a closer look at the iris of an infant using light, it is achievable to identify the existence or nonexistence of low levels of melanin Warren, (1999).
On the other perspective point of view, most of the birds are characterized with brighter colo...

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...a result of combining Rayleigh spread throughout a mild amount of melanin in the iris anterior border layer. Hazel eyes appear to shift colors often from brown to green, Genet, (2011).
There are occasions where the human eye may appear to have several forms of colors, Genet, (2011). For instance, some eyes may look red under different light condition owing to the very low amount of melanin, which in turn allows the blood vessels to show.
In summary, therefore, all individuals have a thicker layer of melanin on the behind or back of their iris in which its function is to prohibit light from scattering around inside the eye. Good common sense should be consequently provided at all cost, to ensure that the eyes are prevented from contacting disease and also from injuries owing to the actuality that people’s eyes are delicate, (Genet, 2011).

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