The Importance Of Electronic Media

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The electronic media has created a loss of intellectual capacity as a result literacy levels in reading is declining at all age and educational levels.
According to Dr. Thompson (2015), “Reading requires active attention and engagement… reading is an interaction between the text, author and you… but because we have shifted from reading to an electronic media society, reading has change for many of us.”
This obsession with the contemporary electronic media is beginning to become a concern. Clearly this is not an argument to paused technology or to go back to the “Stone Age”, because obviously there are numerous benefits and positive impact on the economy made through technology. However, this plea is for us to look into what is it we are giving …show more content…

When using the electronic media our brains are constantly pressured to take in a vast amount of information. For instance, one page has several links which can connect you to other pages which will have other links and the cycle goes on; these links includes sidebar advertisement flashes which can be very distracting causing the user to divert his/her attention, with the tantalizing pictures of celebrities, half naked woman and well build male models will simply cause you to lose your focus very often. Constantly being exposed to these distractions the result is attributed to a reduction of attention spans which can be carried over to classroom setting at school and instigates cognitive challenges. One of these cognitive challenges faced by education institutions is because students have become so dependable on the electronic media once device is not available their ability to process, retain, conceptualize and comprehend taught concepts may be diminished.
In concluding, surely the internet is aiding in making us more intelligent over generations; thanks to its complexity, but our learned applications in comparison to the past generations are diminishing. Let’s not sacrifice our literacy just for the attainment of a electronic media society . Gilbert Highet (1950), “These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on shelves...far distant in time...speaking to us, mind to mind, heart to

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