The Importance Of Diversity In Hollywood

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Many aspects of Hollywood have seen dramatic improvement . For instance, when comparing the special effects in movies such as “Jaws” (1975) to more recent movies such as “Avatar” (2009) there is a remarkable improvement in computer generated imagery. Unfortunately, a certain aspect of the movie industry has not seen nearly as much improvement.
Think about the biggest movies from the past year. There was “Guardians of the Galaxy” with Chris Pratt, “The Grand Budapest Hotel” with Ralph Fiennes, and “Captain America” with Chris Evans and Scarlett Johannson. The top paid actors and actresses of these movies all share a common trait; they are all white. Even though the world continues to evolve and embrace different ethnicities, mainstream Hollywood is not as welcoming to diversity. The lack of races in movies is something that is often not talked about, even though it happens in almost every blockbuster film. For instance, this past year at the Oscars, not a single person of color was nominated for an Academy Award. After the nominations were announced, people went to the website Twitter to talk about the nominations and create the trending hashtag #OscarsSoWhite. However, this is not surprising. Between 1927 to 2012, “99 percent of Best Actress winners were white, 91 percent of Best Actor winners were white” (LA Weekly).
The lack of minorities that Hollywood puts into its films is a form of “whitewashing”. In its simplest definition, …show more content…

Andrew J. Weaver, professor of telecommunications states that "Hollywood 's sort of given up on the idea that you can have crossover success with a minority cast," he said. "You get this discrimination in the casting of roles, where they 're going to cast whites if at all possible to maximize the audience." Is it true that people will not watch film with a more diverse

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