The Importance Of Dignity Of The Human Man In Society

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1. Dignity of the human person
This is an inviolable concept revolving around an individual’s essential right to be respected and receive ethical treatment. It arises from individuals being God’s special creations, with the church seeing the living image of God in every person (GCI, 2016). It is crucial that all individuals respect the dignity and rights of others. Human beings are endowed to have common dignity and be worthy of value and respect. We should not lose our right to be valued because of a disadvantage, or be treated more superiorly because of what we may own.
2. Common good
A society can be defined as flourishing when its social conditions allow its all of its citizens to reach their potential. This concept attains its fullest meaning when everyone realises the value of unity, equality and dignity. (ACSJC, 2017) …show more content…

(USCCB, 2017) It is a natural right of everyone to access the goods of creation they require so they can nurture. Each person must have access to the level of well-being that is necessary for their flourishing and development, such as the access to healthcare and education for disadvantaged groups including those living in rural areas or Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

6. Stewardship of creation
This principle is an appreciation for all creation. God gave humans dominion over the earth’s resources and our responsibility is to take care of the earth using its resources wisely whilst preserving it for future generations. These goods of creation are intended for the common good of human beings, and ultimately undervaluing the environment would make us all poorer. We can each be good steward, living sustainably as trustees and not as consumers so there is enough for everyone, consequently living in our faith and in harmony with God’s creations. (USCCB, 2017)

7. Promotion of

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