The Importance Of Data Analysis

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Data analysis is the process of evaluating data which had been collected from the respondents. Each component of the collected data is evaluated using analytical and logical reasoning to form some sort of finding or conclusion.
Data analysis is an ongoing process which answers to the research problems and gives directions for the future data collection.
1. Data analysis converts the data into information and knowledge
2. Data analysis explores the relationship between variables.
Data Analysis depends on the data type collected.
1. Quantitative data
2. Qualitative data
9.2 Analysing Quantitative Data and Qualitative Data: (Dr. Madhu Bala, 2005 [68])
Analysing Quantitative Data: Quantitative data is the data collected with Quantitative Research …show more content…

Madhu Bala, 2005 [68]) Qualitative data is often collected by observation, open-ended interviewing and document review. Qualitative data is in detailed description or narrative format. Analysis of qualitative data emphasizes understanding phenomena as they exist, not following pre-determined hypothesis.
9.3 Meaning of Interpretation
(C.R Kothari, 2009 344 [58])
Interpretation means drawing inferences from the data collected after a detail data analysis and experimental study. Interpretation is a detail explanation of research findings.
The two major aspect of interpretation are:
1. To develop continuity in research work. The continuity can be developed by correlating the results of a given study with those of another.
2. To develop descriptive theory. Interpretation means developing relationships within the collected data, partially extending the analysis.
After collecting and analysing the data, data interpretation is carried out and is followed by report writing. Data interpretation has to be done very carefully otherwise wrong inferences may be drawn which leads to inaccurate conclusion and the whole objective of doing research may get invalid.
9.4 Necessity of Interpretation
Interpretation is necessary for the following

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