The Importance Of Culture

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What is culture? Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. There it is. Culture defined. Some people are not quite sure what culture is or even how to show it but culture is what a person does in their everyday life. From the food one eats, to the places someone goes, and even the people one hangs out with. That’s culture. In texts such as “An Indian Father’s Plea”, From Frida: A Biography, and “Multiculturalism Explained in One Word: HAPA”, the text show the way one views others and the world based on a person’s culture.
In Hayden Herrera’s novel From Frida: A Biography, the character is guided by culture. “She dressed in flamboyant clothes, greatly preferring floor-length native Mexican …show more content…

“It takes time to adjust to a new cultural system and learn new things” (Lake 97). Everyone’s culture is not the exact same, some people do things completely different than others depending on where they are from and their environment. Because of that it will take some time to learn another person’s culture. Another way culture can guide a person is not by recognizing that someone else’s culture is different from one. “He is not culturally ‘disadvantaged’ but he is culturally ‘different’” (Lake 97). By not noticing that someone else’s culture is not like another’s, people can commonly make mistakes for labeling the person. Once a person gets a label they will feel a certain way which is not okay, they will know for sure that they are different before they even figure it out …show more content…

Culture definitely guides a person through life, there are just many different ways of showing that. In the novel From Frida: A Biography, it shows how a person can really be connected to their culture and so can their friends. In the short story “An Indian Father’s Plea”, it goes over how people on the outside can look at others differently because of them unintentionally comparing their cultures. Lastly, in Kristen Lee’s interview “Multiculturalism Explained in One Word: HAPA”, it talks about how it can guide a person’s life in some ways but not in all ways. Overall culture guides your life, it just depends on how a person would like to show

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