Behavior Change: The Cornerstone of Personal Development

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One of the tenets of personal development is to bring about a behavior change. If you want to develop yourself, you need to change your behavior to some degree. It is not necessarily overhauling yourself, but it's still a change. The whole reason of self-improvement is to improve upon what you are. Some of things are not working for you, because the necessary behavior is absent. Or you just want to improve upon things. And you need new skills to achieve this improvement. Behavior change could also mean learning new skills. When you learn new skill and actually apply new skills, the behavior change has taken place With this change, you exploit the benefits of the new skills. So how does one change behavior? At the root of changing behavior …show more content…

In reality we know that we need to take care of our future self. We need to save for retirement and we should take care of our future by taking care of our future self. The key is how we can associate more with our future self? One interesting tool, researchers used effectively, is letter writing. Write a letter from your future self to your present self. Or you can write to your current self, note down about who you are and what is going on in your life. Chronicle your current struggles. Then reply from your future self to current self. The idea is to connect with your future self through correspondence. It is better to be optimistic in the letter that you write to future self than being completely pessimistic. The purpose of this exercise is not to view this process as if you are fixing things for your future self. It is more about being able to feel that the future self is real and it is going to be you. It's not so much that it's going to be same person that you are now. Even if you start imagining doing mundane stuff in the future. Like driving to work, or going to shop or talking with friends or doing chores in the household. Imagine vividly what it's going to feel like many years down the line. Here is the

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