The Importance Of Cell Phones In School

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On April 3rd, 1973 the first phone call was made by Martin Cooper (Lee). The phone that was used to make the call was a Motorola DynaTAC 8000x and it weighed 2.5 pounds (Lee). It cost $3,995 so many people could not afford it (Lee). Since that time phone technology has become a part of everyday life (Lee). In the United States 327,577,529 people own a mobile phone in 2013(Lee). There are several places where phones are controversial such as schools (Lee). Cell phones should be used in school because they can be used for safety, educational uses, and they are a way of the future. Students need cell phones in school for safety so that, if there is an emergency in their family, their parents can call their child and the student will answer it immediately (Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cell Phones at School?). It also means students will be safer when they walk home alone (Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cell Phones at School?). Cell phones are also becoming more available (Cell Phones Safety Tips for Back- To- School). As adults swap out their old phones for newer smart phones, their children will get their older phone and still feel safe no matter what type of brand it is (Cell Phone Safety Tips for Back- To- School). Parents should talk about their kids about the dangers and consequences of cell phone use (Cell Phone Safety Tips for Back- To- School). Another thing is that parents should allow time slots for how long their students will be on their cellular device. (Cell Phone Safety Tips for Back- To-School). “Companies such as Walt Disney have developed cell phones targeted at children and the devices are gaining traction.” (Strother) After AceComm polled one thousand United States parents in 2006 they found that ninety... ... middle of paper ... ...If there is an emergency at school and the students call their parents and their parents come it could get way too chaotic and then the school would have trouble fixing the emergency (Edens). Therefore there are many reasons that schools should and should not allow cell phones. Cell phones should be allowed because they help the students feel safe and they also help call their parents if there is an unexpected emergency. They also help students use them for educational uses. They could be used to Google any information on any subject that is needed. Finally cell phones are a new way of the future. They are constantly becoming more and more popular. Whenever they first came out they were not often purchased because they cost so much but now a days if you did a survey you would probably find that everybody has one. That is how much they have grown in popularity.

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