Proactivity: A Key Habit for Success in College

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The first habit to be successful in life is to be proactive, this means you want to stay on top of everything that you have scheduled for that day. This habit does not come easy to me, I need to really work hard on prioritizing and staying on track of my goals. An example of when being proactive comes to play in my life is my school work. Being a new college student has brought the struggle of a heavy workload and with this come stress and procrastination. I am not one who is usually the proactive type, in the sense that I always do my work when it is assigned, I used to leave it all until the night before. By taking this class, and studying the 7 habits of highly effective people, I have learned that in order to stay successful throughout my college career I need to be proactive. When I first started the semester, I came in thinking that my old ways of studying, learning and doing homework would help me get through the semester. Boy, was I wrong about that In highschool I never really needed to study before a quiz or test, I would be able to just do the homework and understand the material. This did not work in college at all, I tried doing that within the first couple weeks and my grades were reflecting it rather poorly. I started to become self aware that there was something wrong …show more content…

While attempting to be a proactive person, one trait that could lead someone into another habit is prioritizing. If one is trying to become successful at something, they need to prioritize and do all the important things first. This takes us into Habit 3: Put First Things First, this habit is all about prioritizing. To take action within this habit you want to manage your time effectively and complete all the tasks that matter the most before moving onto the less important ones. One should plan their time out so that they can get things done before they become

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