The Importance Of Being In Denial

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Being in denial is not looking at the truth in your life, it is a way of pretending it is not happening, it does not exist.

As Jack Nicholson once said, in a scene from the movie, A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth" This is what denial is.

If you are living in this place, you don't see what is really going on in your life. You do not have to face up to every situation life is offering you.

When a person is living in denial, they lack an awareness of themselves. They will blame others, or blame the situation they find themselves in.

People in denial project this feeling out and not look at what is going on in themselves. Therefore, a person living in denial will lack clarity in their lives.

Although they do recognise when someone …show more content…

Another reason we deny problems is because they’re familiar. We grew up with them and don’t see that something is wrong.

Most times the abused will refuse to face or admit what is going on, and will project to the outside world the relationship is going well.

I once knew a woman who was living in denial about her marriage.

Everyone knew he was abusive towards her, yet she continued to live with him and talk about him as though he was such a loving guy.

What about being in denial about your child?

I know a woman who clearly does not want to see what is going on with her daughter. It is so obvious something is wrong.

I think the young woman is bulimic, she is as thin as a bean pole, her teeth are quite yellow, probably from throwing up all the time. She has never had a period and is now in her 20's. And constantly suffers from stress fractures, as her bone mass in decreasing.

Does her mother see what is going on?

being in denial

Denial Is An Escape From Reality

A young child can live in denial, and often not recall any abuse which has taken place.

Alcoholics, people who have a drug addiction, people overweight, suffering from depression, may hide behind denial, so as not to face the truth of their

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