The Importance Of Being An Individual In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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“And we know well that there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone” (Rand 19). This quote shows that to think alone in this dystopian society is a significant sin that should not be committed. Modern society today puts a high emphasis on being and thinking as an individual, but in Ayn Rand's Anthem being an individual is slowly learned by Equality-72521 due to the requirement to think and be considered as one. In Ayn Rand’s Anthem a clearly different member of a dystopian society starts by always thinking of himself as a group member by using “we” and gradually throughout the book finds out that he is his own character and shows it by eventually finding the appropriate pronoun to show he is an seperate member and to only think …show more content…

“We strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike” (Rand 19). By using we you cannot fully distinct yourself as one person. The definition of we is used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together (Google). Therefore someone cannot have their own singular characteristics if they are defined as more than one person, or together. Because if you are all together as one. You cannot have different characteristics and must all be equal. “We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever“ (Rand 19). This quote clearly states that there are no men, except the great we, meaning that there is no one character or mind, because everyone is equal and must be the same, making them all we. To take away the distinctiveness of a single person defies individualism and follows the roots of this society. Being considered with everyone else does not include free thought, speech, and desired …show more content…

“Now if the council has said “carpenter” or “cook,” the students so assigned go to work and they do not study any further” (Rand 25). If they cannot choose their lifestyle, or job, they cannot have a say in their personal taste. For example, if someone likes the law, they may become a branch of the law, like a lawyer. In this society, they completely disregard your taste, which is a part of being your own character, and labels or brands you to a classification. In this classification, no one sticks out, they are all just considered for what their job is, Cook, street cleaner, etc. “The will of our brothers be done” (Rand 25). The saying they must use after getting assigned a job is stating that it is your will, your purpose, to only work to contribute back to your brothers and not to yourself. This ties in back to her use or writing and the use of we because if you are referring to yourself as all together (we) then your will is to work and help each other to be one and be together. Equality later realizes that he is not a we and finds a more appropriate word to fit because he feels working together is not the best way to go in

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