The Importance Of Antihero In Othello

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Lago in my opinion is a standout amongst the most scandalous, devious, villain, I have came across. The way he undermines Othello and Desdemona's marriage is an indication of a genuine lowlife, Lago, a wicked individual unfit to locate the sort of adoration or love Othello and Desdemona had, due to this antihero's demeanor. Iago had an important position in Othello's army and he was extremely trusted by Othello. This made it simple for Iago to control Othello. The way that Othello was deceived was done in an exceptionally tricky way most wouldn't catch. Now assume that this need for revenge spawned from the Jealousy from his relationship between Othello and his wife, but the motive surfaced from Othello simply not choosing Iago for a promotion. Lago has a motive that seems trivial but it really isn’t to himself. This situation triggers the whole plot, which ultimately ruins the one thing Othello loves the most, Desdemona. It Must have been one important promotion or Iago was just a very sinister person by nature, which we can find indeed to be true. Touching on the impact that Iago’s actions had on Othello. As the play shows Othello was not a jealous …show more content…

This name Iago is not only used as a term to describe such things but the name Iago is also used in the Tech world as “Iago Attacks”. Iago attacks are attacks in which a malicious kernel induces a protected process to act against its interests by manipulating system call return values and give a threat model for them. Funny thing about this definition of Iago attacks is you don’t have to be a tech head to realize the similarities between this attack and Iago’s attack on Othello’s relationship with his wife. Both this malicious code and Iago introduce themselves as trusted entities but then use this trust to turn things into a negative end

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