The Importance Of A Rape Culture

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Prior and Current Knowledge Society has a funny way of thinking that if we blame others we can protect ourselves. This is why the wrong people end up getting the blame placed on them, especially during times of distress. We see this a lot when new cases involving rape arise. Instead of the perpetrator being blamed for what they did, the victim is the one who gets faced with the blame for something they had no control over. As a result of victim blaming as it is called we have created a culture known as rape culture. The book Transforming a Rape Culture states “In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable as death or taxes” (Preamble). In other words, both men and women feel as though there …show more content…

Even though I know I will be faced with opposition from multiple directions, I believe that most of the opposition against the argument I am trying to make is the fact that men get raped too. While I understand that women are not the only ones who get raped, rape culture does have a lot to deal with sexual violence against women being normalized. Plus, it is more common for women to get raped than it is for men. In fact, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center “91% of the victims of rape and sexual assault are female, and 9% are male.” Now that is a big difference. I will also be faced with opposition from those who see rape as a problem and think nothing can be done to stop it and those who just don’t see rape as big a problem at all. Due to people who feel like either nothing can be done to stop rape or those who feel like rape is not a problem, rape culture has gotten out of hand. We only hear about the brutal cases of rape in the media and usually those cases end with the rapist getting a light sentence or possibly not sentence at all. It is no wonder people can’t see rape as a problem or can’t see what can possibly be done to stop …show more content…

I know that as of right now I don’t have the best knowledge on how rape came to be seen as inevitable and what we can really do about it. Thankfully, there are several different resources where I can find a ton more information on it. One of those resources is the online article databases that are offered on the Dixie State University library’s website. Some of the article databases that I will be using fall under the category subject list and the subcategories of general/multi-subject, education, history, news and current events, psychology, and social sciences. Along with using the article databases to help gather information, I am looking into using books as well. One book in particular is called Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by Jon Krakauer. Based on the description of the book and Professor Comeford’s recommendation, I feel like this book will really help me understand more about my topic than I currently

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