The Importance Of A Cat's Whiskers

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Cats are definitely irresistible -- for cat lovers, at least -- and so are their whiskers. However, these are more than just an accessory on a cat’s face; they also serve an important purpose to their well-being.
More than just facial hairs
An article from describes a cat’s whiskers as “the Swiss Army knife” of our feline friends. Not only they use their whiskers as a sensory and communication tool kit, they can accomplish certain feats with the help of their whiskers, too. Let’s get to know some fun and interesting facts about the cat’s whiskers and how important these are in our feline friends’ lives.
According to an article on (Mother Nature Network), the word “whisker” was said to have originated in the 1600’s from the …show more content…

On the other hand, some cat breeds such as the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex have short and curly whiskers.How cats use their whiskers
A cat’s whiskers has three major uses, according to an article on For one, a cat’s whiskers helps the cat navigate through different locations even in dark places. Apparently, its whiskers can detect the slightest directional changes easily. Likewise, a blind cat primarily relies on its whiskers to navigate through places.
In addition, a cat’s whisker is also a good mood indicator. When a cat is scared or angry, its whiskers pull back against its cheeks. When a cat is relaxed or happy, its whiskers are relaxed as well. When a cat is feeling aggressive or just plain curious, its whiskers are typically pointed out front and …show more content…

In fact, according to research, cats without whiskers have issues determining the size of openings, causing accidents along the way. Aside from that, their whiskers are also important for their sense of balance. When their whiskers are damaged, they would tend to get disoriented, judge distances inaccurately and run into things. Although cats shed whiskers occasionally, there is still no excuse to trim or snip your cat’s whiskers. When cats do shed their whiskers and even turn grey as they grow older, it will eventually grow back on their

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