The Impact of Hollywood on the World

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The Impact of Hollywood on the World In this piece of writing I will be looking at the impact of 'Hollywood' on the world. The word 'Hollywood' is used as a collective word across most of the world when we talk about media throughout the world such as; films, television programmes, music and global broadcasters such as MTV and Disney. It is believed that Hollywoodaffects a lot of things people do, think and say. I will be looking at whether Hollywood affects the world in a positive or negative way. Hollywood films promote sex and violence. This affects moral values of a majority of people and leads young people to think this is right. "My parents won't let me see any movies that really have violence," said Seth, an 11-year-old student in a school in America. "But some of my friends got to see Small Soldiers, and they pretended to be the guys in it and they would fight a lot." Not all films are the same, Most films, whether they have se...

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