The Impact On Women's Fashion During The Depression

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Analyzing the fashion during the depression years demonstrates that during this generation, World War II had a profound impact on women’s clothing by imposing many limitations in which creating a lasting impression on women’s fashion.
Women were now being encouraged to join the work place and replaced men in jobs such as in offices and factories. Women turned to more of a traditional style of life. This made it more acceptable for women to wear trousers in public. Women’s clothing became very limited. Individuals were granted 60 points each for clothing per year. For example, the point system worked as followed a women’s dress would cost 11 points, and women’s shoes would cost 7. The women were limited to what could be accessed for fashion, …show more content…

These styles are still found in clothing today. Due to the shortage of materials the difference in social classes were not as clear. The new style of dressing became similar under government rules. There were bans placed on imported materials so clothes where made from government fabric, which were plain and practical. Clothing was not allowed to have draping, or pleats this was considered a waste of fabric. Garments where used for functional purposes only so women dawned jewelry and make up as decoration and self-idenfication
There were many limitations placed on the designers and beauty manufactures.
Clothes were made with a goal to be kept simple short and narrow due to these shortages and rationing of clothing.
“If you don’t nee it don’t buy it “was the slogan plastered on many advertisements. This was in efforts to get people to save, Materials were scarce for war supplies. In changing the mindset of consumers the new goal was to Converse rather than splurge. This produced a drastic change in the country materials and factories originally associated with clothing were used for the war. The government launched the “ make do and mend “ campaign which intended to pursued people to take care of the clothes they have and fix them if torn or damaged instead of disposing and purchasing new

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