The Impact Of The Age Of Enlightenment

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The Age of Enlightenment took place during mostly the eighteenth century. Also known as the Age of Reason, it was an era in which great discoveries took place in European politics, philosophy, and science. It was an era where all the traditional matters were challenged. There was a desire to change the method of doing things in Europe. The Age of Enlightenment itself led to the production of various books, inventions, laws, and revolutions that still impact today. Many of the ideals formulated during this era had great impacts. Both the American and French revolutions were inspired by the Enlightenment period. The era was followed by the era of Romanticism in the nineteenth century. While there were many pieces of the Enlightenment era that …show more content…

It is a distinct piece of philosophy of the era. Kant comes and declares what exactly is Enlightenment and outlines the wrongs in society today. For a citizen cannot simply do as they are told throughout the lives. They must arise from their own “self-imposed immaturity”. For before the age of Enlightenment, people had been holding themselves down in chains, by never challenging anything. People would turn to several people for guidance instead of searching for the answer within themselves. Everyone has become too reliant upon others for guidance that it had become nature, they have grown comfortable of this state. Individuals would not be comfortable using their own understanding, since they have never tried to do so. Kant reasons why not escape these chains and venture out and try to have freedom. He notes that while many may be enslaved, there will always be people similar to him that will step and out and think for themselves. These people will not only spread a rational appreciation for both their own worth but also for each person to think for themselves. Now it is understood that such a rise would need to take place slowly, because the leaders of society would never let such actions to take place so quickly. They would either punish the individuals who are attempting to achieve the movement or even the individual’s

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