The Ideal Childcare Setting

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Since taking care of and supervising a child (usually aged between six weeks and thirteen years) is what child care entails, it is obvious that there are several factors that must be brought into consideration, if an ideal setting for child care is to be determined. This is especially the case when one considers the fact that child care entails expending skills in appropriate actions that cover a wide spectrum of activities, institutions, contents and socio-cultural conventions. In this case, it is true that several factors are considered in creating an ideal child care setting, as shall be seen in the ensuing discourse.
In the first case, when researching an ideal child care setting, it is important to appreciate the components of proper child care. First, it is important that there is an adequacy of well-trained staff that is competent in relevant matters such as early childhood development. This is in line with the fact that staff training and education serves as one of the most credible ways by which the quality of child care can be rated and the prospects of the child care’s long-term success predicted. The same research study findings establish the fact that toddler and baby caregivers should be more acquainted with early childhood care and education than elementary education and pre-school. This is because early childhood education and care place emphasis on children’s unique learning abilities and on training caregivers on planning appropriate activities on the best ways of innovating and using routines to bond, stimulate cognitive reasoning and skills through important means such as interpersonal interactions, conversions and responsive relationships.
According to Mendes (2013), an ideal child care setting should als...

... middle of paper ... interesting pictures, appropriate books, study diagrams, printed materials and important labels. The foregoing therefore clearly underscores the fact that an ideal child care setting is a culmination of several helpful factors, deliberate efforts and resources being harnessed together for the betterment of the child and its welfare.

Works Cited

Berk, E. B. (2012). Infants and Children: Prenatal Through Middle Childhood. New Jersey: Pearson.
Herbst, C. M. and Tekin, E. (2010). Child care subsidies and child development. Economics of Education Review, 29 (4), 618 - 638
Mendes, M. A. (2013). Parents' descriptions of ideal home nursing care for their technology- dependent children. Pediatric nursing, 39 (2), 91
Richardson, J. (1994). Child Care. Nurse Education Today, 14 (1), 73
Schor, E. L. (2004). Rethinking Well-Child Care. Pediatrics, 114 (1), 210 - 216

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