The Hunt For Blackbeard Sparknotes

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The Hunt for Blackbeard movie will be made into a featured narrative film. The Hunt for Blackbeard tells a story about a realistic version of the life and death of history’s most famous buccaneer, Edward Teach and how he caused chaos where ever he went. His greed and how he was feared amongst others. This film will be a historical action thriller. This film is set from 1702-1718. The main story is about Edward Teach, also known as “Blackbeard”, who was a notorious English pirate. The film begins with Blackbeard as a young man in Bristol, England, where he was born. Like many young men during that time in Bristol, he went to sea. During Queen Anne's War, Edward was a sailor on an English privateer. …show more content…

From 1716-1717 they were greatly feared by merchants and other sailors because they could capture twice as more victims. When Stede Bonnet joined their fleet, their numbers were improved but during the end of 1717 Benjamin Hornigold retired from piracy. When he accepted the King's pardon he took two vessels with him. Edward took over Stede Bonnet’s ship, the Revenge, after Bonnet was grievously wounded. Edward who was now in charge of two ships continued on to attack shipping off of Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware. He then made his most famous capture when he seized La Concorde, a 250-ton large French slave ship. He mounted the ship with guns and renamed it Queen Anne's Revenge. Before long he had a fleet of three ships and 150 pirates some of whom were slaves when the ship was seized. . Blackbeard formed an alliance of pirates and isolated the port of Charleston, South Carolina. After the ransom was a success, Edward parted ways with Stede Bonnet and settled in Bath Town, North Carolina, where he was given a royal pardon for his illegal deeds from Governor Charles Eden. He didn’t retire for that long because Governor Charles Eden was crooked. He made a deal with the governor, he would share his stolen goods with …show more content…

Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, and Benjamin Hornigold. Edward teach got the nickname Blackbeard because he wanted a name that put fear in the hearts of people he met. It was a terrifying name mainly because of the way he looked and dressed himself. He was tall and broad-shouldered and had a thick beard that nearly covered his entire face. He used his hair and beard for wiping his hands while eating or fighting and thus it became matted. Before any battle, Blackbeard would dress all in black, and strap several pistols to his chest. He puts slow burning fuses in his hair and beard which hid him in a lasting greasy fog. Blackbeard was way more intelligent than the average pirate. He knew the significance of image in his line of work and tried to avoid fighting if he could, and so he given a very scary reputation. Benjamin Hornigold at that time was one of the most feared pirates and the founder of the Flying Gang’s Bahamian pirate republic. He took Blackbeard under his wings and saw him as a brother. Stede Bonnet was a wealthy man from the Barbados who decided he would rather be a pirate. He paid for a ship to be built and named it the Revenge. Bonnet was a terrible captain. He didn’t know anything about a ship or how to be a

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