The Human Condition

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The Human Condition

Does life ever seem pointless and discouraging? In Albert Camus’s “The Myth of Sisyphus,” Camus describes the correlation between Sisyphus’s fate and the human condition. In the selection, everyday is the same for Sisyphus. Sisyphus is condemned to rolling a rock up a mountain for eternity. Camus’s “The Myth of Sisyphus” forces one to contemplate Sisyphus’s fate, how it relates to the human condition, and how it makes the writer feel about her part in life.
Camus states “if this myth is tragic, that is because its hero is conscious” (Camus). Condemned by the gods, Sisyphus does not acknowledge his fate until after the rock rolls back down the mountain and he begins his journey to retrieve it. The gods believe that no punishment could be worse than “futile and hopeless labor” (Camus). He spends all his time and energy in basically accomplishing nothing. So knowing this, why does he continue to push the rock? He only concedes his fate when he has time to think about his actions. Well, what is Sisyphus’s alternative? He only has the rock and the mountain. He can sit there and contemplate his fate for eternity or he can continue moving the rock.

Camus believes that Sisyphus’s fortune is similar to human life. Through all the activities and events people do throughout life, simply nothing is accomplished in the end. Sisyphus is a direct ...

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