The House On Mango Street Sexual Harassment Essay

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Sexual harassment, yearning for escape, and an inevitable return to that same place makes for an interesting story. This happens in the book The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Esperanza moves to a neighborhood and it’s not what she expected. She wants to get out of there. A couple instances of sexual harassment/assault just makes her want to leave even more. The problem is, not everyone can escape, which will bring her right back. Esperanza wants to get out, but it’s hard to escape the place you have grown up so much in. Esperanza’s family move into a new house on Mango Street to begin the book. Esperanza isn’t happy about it for very long. Even though her parents finally own a house to themselves now, and it’s an improvement from the apartment, Esperanza is disappointed. The house is small and rundown. She was hoping for a big house. The small house almost makes her feel trapped inside, which is why she spends most of the time outside of the house. …show more content…

After telling Esperanza she only gets to go home this once, the teacher points at some run down buildings and asserts that Esperanza lives there. Esperanza just agrees even though it’s a lie. She feels she was mistreated by her teachers and this causes her to want to leave even more. Some days down the road, Esperanza and Sally, her friend, go to the carnival. While at the carnival Sally runs off with a boy leaving Esperanza on her own. A group of non-Latino boys comes up to her. While it isn’t said what happens exactly, it is safe to assume she was raped. She becomes upset for a couple reasons. For starters, her friend left her all alone. Second, the experience wasn’t what she had imagined it would be like. She really just wanted to leave after this

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