The House On Mango Street Research Paper

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In the novel, The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros tells the story of a young girl, named Esperanza Cordero, who wants to live in a pretty house, similar to the ones she sees on television, to ultimately achieve the American Dream. Cisneros incorporates many themes and motifs throughout the vignettes to show the reality of Mexican immigrants, like Esperanza, as well as, Esperanza’s search for her identity. Since the novel is written mostly in first person, I felt greatly immersed into the story and felt as if Esperanza was directly telling her story to me. With the immersive feeling of the vignettes, that evoked a greatly vicarious experience for me, the conclusion provided a brief closure that was just enough to provide an appropriate …show more content…

However, this is not the case for the conclusion in the last vignette, titled “Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes” because it does include the themes and essential elements of the story. The first aspect I like about this concluding vignette is that Esperanza’s matured character and independent nature are established. Esperanza’s matured character is displayed when she acknowledges that she “belongs[s] but [does not] belong” (110) to her house on Mango Street. Formerly, Esperanza never wanted to be associated with her “sad red house”, but, in the end, “what [she] remember[s] most is Mango Street” (109-110). Additionally, Esperanza’s maturity is shown through her determination to eventually “come back…for the ones who cannot out” (110), because she is staying true to her promise, that she made in the previous vignette of “Bums in the Attic”, of not “forget[ting] who [she] is or where [she] came from” once she “own[s her] own house” (87). Esperanza’s independence is shown when Esperanza says that she “will say goodbye to Mango [because Esperanza’s] too strong for her to keep [Esperanza] here forever [and] will go away” (110), because the repetition of the word “will” signifies Esperanza’s commitment and determination. Additionally, when …show more content…

I feel that the conclusion provides a brief closure, because Cisneros leaves me guessing by not including a final statement that shows how Esperanza’s future resulted. Since the conclusion is left open to interpretation, I am inclined to assume that Esperanza became a successful writer that lives happily in a house of her own who will go back to Mango Street “for the ones [she] left behind” (110). However, that’s just a mere assumption, I never get to find out how Esperanza’s future truly resulted. Cisneros tells the surface of what Esperanza’s life became but she doesn’t conclude with a definite

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