The House Of The Scorpion Comparison Essay

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Human beings are faced with a choice between good and evil, and different factors in their lives lead to their choice. The House of the Scorpion and Lord of the Flies are comparable in terms of theme, symbols, conflict, and setting. The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer is a novel about a clone who chooses to be his own person. Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a story about British boys who are stranded on an island and faced with their inner darkness. Themes in The House of the Scorpion and Lord of the Flies both show that leaders sometimes have to make difficult decisions. Matt, the main character in The House of the Scorpion, has a friend, Tam Lin, who helps to raise Matt to be good instead of evil. “When you’re small you can …show more content…

White flowers grow outside in the fields where Matt lives. “He’d looked out the window where fields of white poppies stretched all the way to the shadowy hills. The whiteness hurt his eyes, and so he turned from them with relief to the cool darkness inside” (Farmer 6). When the poppies in the fields of Opium (the futuristic place where Matt lives) it gives a pretty and pleasant picture. These poppies, however, are sinister and threatening. This shows that although Matt longs to go into the outside world as it seems exciting, it is actually very dangerous. Darkness on the island in Lord of the Flies symbolises the fear of the unknown. “He says the beastie came in the dark” (Golding 35). The boys fear the dark because they do not understand it, and do not know what it contains. There really is nothing to be afraid of, and there is no “beastie” in the dark. The boys do not understand the darkness so their imagination creates fear. The white flowers and the darkness both show that things are not always as they first appear. It shows that sometimes we view things as dangerous when they are not or view things as fun when they are …show more content…

The House of the Scorpion takes place in the future in a place called Opium and Aztlán. “Opium, as much as possible, is the way things were in El Patrón's youth. Celia cooks on wooden fire, the rooms aren't air-conditioned, the fields are harvested by people, not machines" (Farmer 245). El Patrón, the leader of Opium, makes Opium as it was when he was a child. The surrounding country Aztlán has developed into a very modern country with many new technologies, but El Patrón has kept Opium old fashioned, and not allowed it to become modern. Lord of the Flies takes place on an island in the Pacific Ocean. When the story takes place is unclear, but it most likely happened during World War Two. “The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against the light and their green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air. The ground beneath them was a bank covered with coarse grass, torn everywhere by the upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coco-nuts and palm saplings” (Golding 4). The boys are quite obviously stranded on a tropical island, which is shown by the “palm saplings” and “coco-nuts”. The island is uninhabited and the boys have no contact to their home or any help. The island is somewhat like the land of Opium as it is cut off from the rest of the world, and not touched by modern

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