The Hostility Between the 'Montagues' and the 'Capulets' in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare

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The Hostility Between the 'Montagues' and the 'Capulets' in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare William Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet has a major theme of conflict. The main conflict in the play is the feud between the two wealthy families: the ‘Montagues’ and the ‘Capulets’. Shakespeare does not state the reason for the hostility between the two families. Shakespeare may have done this to indicate how long the feud has been going for. Shakespeare creates conflicts between characters in the play. One conflict is between ‘Tybalt’ and ‘Romeo’. This conflict is interesting because it is between two contrasting characters. Tybalt is very arrogant and has an aggressive attitude. While Romeo is quiet and quite peaceful. Another act of conflict between characters in the play is between Juliet and her father. This conflict engages the reader is because it is between the same family. This makes the conflict seem heartless. Conflict also occurs between individuals and authority. For example Romeo’s return to Verona causes confl...

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