The Hobbit Fate Quotes

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William Wordsworth once said, “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” All authors follow this; they pour their sorrows, happiness and everything in between into their writings. A book that exemplifies this is the fantastic flying books of Morris Lessmore, written by William Joyce. Another author who applies this quote is J.R.R Tolkien who wrote the award-winning book The Hobbit. Fate had an extreme influence on Tolkien and this resulted in fate having an impact on Bilbo Baggins, the protagonist as well. The rule of fate is that, whenever someone does something good, fate rewards him with luck or guidance. Fate reveals itself in three different situations during the plotline of The Hobbit. The first is when a persona appreciates …show more content…

An example is when in the beginning of the book, Gandalf approaches Bilbo. Bilbo appreciates Gandalf, his fireworks, adventures, and stories causing Gandalf to respect Bilbo in return. This is an important event because the prophetic character in the book that helps Bilbo along the adventure is Gandalf. Earning Gandalf’s respect makes fate increase Bilbo’s value as a person and the amount of support that he has. Bilbo appreciating the elves, which are an allusion to angels, is another example. Offered in exchange is the appreciation of Bilbo from the elves in the form of knowledge. Elrond informs the party of the moon-letters hidden on the map. This happening is significant because it is the information to get into Smaug’s refuge, where all the treasure is stowed. Furthermore, fate repays Bilbo’s love of the elves once more when Bilbo receives the dream, which discloses the crack in the cave, from which the goblins would soon ambush them. The third example of Bilbo displaying appreciation of goodness is he appreciates the kindness of Beorn. Beorn is an allusion to Jesus in this book so it is obvious why Beorn would be so kind but gaining the party’s gratitude increases Beorn’s kindness even more. Providing Bilbo and the dwarves with provisions and advice to get through the forest is just one example. Fighting along with the armies in the Battle is another. Appreciating Beorn made him more willing to …show more content…

Bilbo constantly remembers the shire and the comfort it provides. Fate rewards Bilbo for choosing comfort over wealth by giving him eternal satisfaction. “I am sorry to say that he did not mind [other hobbits stealing his things]. He was quite content; and the sound of the kettle on his hearth was ever more musical than it had been even in the quiet days before the Unexpected Party” (278). If Bilbo had chosen wealth instead of comfort then fate would have punished him as it did to Thorin and Smaug. In addition, Bilbo has also remembered Gandalf on several occasions. In particular, when Bilbo and the dwarves were sitting on the grassy space between the wall and the doorstep, frustrated and pondering what to do next, Bilbo thought of Gandalf’s return and fate presented itself by the door opening. If Bilbo had not remembered Gandalf then he and the others would have had to wait another year for the door to open because they would have been too miserable to notice the door this time around. Forgetting goodness has punishments just as remembering it has rewards. One example of Bilbo and company forgetting goodness takes place in the Mirkwood forest. Beorn and Gandalf had warned them not to stray off the path; instead, the group ignored this advice and went to search for food anyway. This act caused the group many troubles such as gigantic spiders and imprisonment by the wood elves. If the group had

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