The Highly Sensitive Person And The Narcissist

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d) Hypersensitive individuals are born with that temperament, you cannot become more sensitive to things. e) Most individuals will view hypersensitivity as a flaw, because of the over emotion individuals show. Because of their hypersensitivity individuals will isolate themselves to recharge and continue their day. f) Individuals with hypersensitivity must live a little differently than the rest of the world, but once they learn how to manage the trait they can become very successful individuals. g) N/A h) The article mentions that individuals who realize they are hypersensitive helps them understand themselves more. Liss, M., Timmel, L., Baxley, K., & Killingsworth, P. (2005). Sensory processing sensitivity and its relation to parental bonding, anxiety, and depression. Personality and Individual h) Could a highly sensitive mother have negative effect on a low sensitive child? Ward, D. (2012, January 16). The Highly Sensitive Person and the Narcissist. Retrieved September 12, from a) Highly sensitive individuals are vulnerable to relationship with narcissist b) N/A c) Trait perspective d) Individuals who become narcissist like to feel superior and highly sensitive individuals are the perfect match because of their urge to help others. e) Narcissistic individuals are mostly looking for success, and power, while the highly sensitive individual is more empathic and sensitive to the feeling of others and most of the time willing to help f) By always putting other before them highly individuals can be played by others. Also, individuals with higher sensitivity will have better intuition to stay away from individuals with narcissistic personalities. g) N/A h) How can a highly sensitive individual separate themselves from narcissistic individuals when they are drawn to helping

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