The Hierarchal Organization of My Bakery

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The Hierarchal Organization of My Bakery

The fact that my business has a hierarchal organization allows it to

have a clear management structure. Therefore all of the people

involved with the business are more aware of the person commanding,

controlling and co-ordinating them in their different areas of the

business. It shows the different divisions of responsibility and who

holds the most authority, basically employees are able to see who the

most important person in the company is and also know what

responsibilities are theirs. This makes it very easy especially for

small businesses for most segments of the company to be controlled by

the top of the hierarchy. On the other hand too many layers within the

hierarchy can slow down the speed in which the higher parts of the

hierarchy communicate with the lower parts. For instance, if decisions

are made by the top managers in the business it may take a long time

for news to reach the lower staff of the company. This is mostly a

problem with bigger companies as the working premises may separate the

higher management from the lower employees. As my business is a small

business it will not be a problem for us because the business is not

saturated with layers of hierarchy. Also premises will not be such a

dividing factor when it comes to communication between management and

shop floor workers. Management within our partnership is common in all

of us but some of the family has a higher input within the company and

they have been given the top management positions in the business. The

senior management is going to interact one on one with everyone on the

shop floor or in offices as shop floor workers are counted with

respect as shareholders in the business. Senior managers of the

business when dealing with hierarchy are known to often stifle the

initiative of the people in lower positions in the business,

especially if the company is a big company. This will be avoided

hopefully in my business as everyone in the business can be regarded

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