The Heike And The Iliad Comparison Essay

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At first glance, The Iliad and The Tales of the Heike may appear to be vastly different. What could they possibly have in common? After all, one is Greek and the other Japanese which makes them extremely dissimilar to begin with due to the differences in culture, cuisine, and language. Regardless, there are still a surprising amount of parallels that can be drawn between the two texts. These features include that they share a lesson, the similarities of the characters, and that both contain an epic battle between groups of warriors. For starters, The Iliad is a Greek epic poem by the author Homer. The Iliad details a ten day long span, which takes place ten years into the Trojan War. The Trojan War was between two groups, the Greeks and the Trojans. The conflict begins with Chryseis being held captive, and leader Agamemnon refusing to return Chryseis. As a result, a plague is sent to the Greek camps, which isolates the famous warrior Achilles. Achilles then prays to Zeus, who he has connections with, and asks for divine help for the Trojans. This plea is successful and makes Agamemnon want Achilles back. A great …show more content…

This is due to the fact it originates from oral tradition, however was likely recorded in the fourteenth century (“The Tales of the Heike” 1284). The Tales of the Heike narrates the Gempei War that took place from 1180 to 1185 CE. The war is discussed over the course of twelve books since The Tales of the Heike is divided into three parts. The Gempei War was between two groups known as Minamoto and Taira. These clans are also referred to as the Genji and Heike. The Tales of the Heike is divided into three different parts. The first focuses on the head of the Heike clan, Kiyomori. The second part examines the triumphal victory of the Genji clan, and finally the third part concludes the story with the death of Kenreimon’in, Kiyomori’s daughter who had fallen ill (Bulko et

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