The Headache Medicine

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When it comes to sex, some people seem to have more knowledge on the subject than others, and some people know way too much. One very intriguing aspect that is often taken for granted is the orgasm and it’s miraculous powers. This is a list of 10 fun facts on the subject.

10 The Headache Medicine

It may come as a surprise to learn that an orgasm may be more effective at curing a headache than pain medication. As it turns out, the release of endorphins in the brain during sexual stimulation may be the cause of the relief that 60% of migraine sufferers reported during a study conducted by researcher and neurologist Dr. Stefan Evers. (link 1) So, next time you have a major headache, you might consider reaching for that bottle of Jergens instead of Tylenol.

9 Orgasmic Fear

We’ve all heard of irrational fears, like claustrophobia, arachnophobia or agoraphobia, but a lesser known phobia is spermatophobia. Spermatophobia refers to the condition of having abnormal, extreme, and persistent fear of semen. On the flip side, for males it is defined as the fear of loss of sperm. As with most anxiety disorders, treatment involves cognitive therapy, including exposure and fear reduction techniques. (link 2) Treatment doesn’t sound too bad for men, but it seems like women would be getting the shaft on this deal.

Fact: Blennophobia is the fear of slime.

8 Gallons of Fun

The average male produces up to 14 gallons of semen in his lifetime. To put that into perspective, imagine three 5 gallon paint buckets. And to top it all off, when ejaculated, it can travel an average of 28 miles an hour! (link 3) Suddenly, spermatophobia doesn’t seem so absurd anymore.

Fact: A blue whale’s testicles contain up to 7 gallons of sperm and weigh 22 pounds...

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...he wall in that lab.

BON Death by Orgasm

Known by some as la petite mort, "the little death," a phrase that was sometimes used in Victorian erotic literature, sexual arousal and/or orgasm can cause some women (as well as men — but it usually applies to women) to experience a sudden, temporary loss of consciousness. Google the name Bianca Borges Bezerra and you’ll read an unbelievable story from 2011 in which a 21 year old Brazilian dies due to an orgasm given to her by a friend. The friend said that, she became suspicious when, at 10 minutes, Bianca continued in the same position, eyes rolling, mouth open and screaming loudly. “At twelve minutes she went out, and I ran after an ambulance”, said the friend (link 17) It’s a rare story, but definitely an intriguing one. So, although it’s unlikely for you to die during an orgasm, at least it’s one hell of a way to go!

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