The Handmaid's Tale: A Short Story

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We reached Geralt’s shop, Knick Nacks, and headed in. Seeing It ransacked, I checked every inch of the store for a hidden room or loose floorboard. Nothing.
“Damn,” I swore.
“Don’t kill me yet.” Edgar blurted out and my hand went straight to my dagger. “I know what you’re looking for, and it isn’t here. Geralt told me that he hid a box filled with powerful magic objects along the wall of the docks. Where the broken lantern hangs from the wall, there is a black stone that moves.”
“Old man, I could kiss you.” I had found both the wizard and the magical objects. Turning, I headed out the door and noticed that Edgar continued to follow. “Good.”
I took him down through the narrow road leading to the Goddess Fountain that was next to the shop. I noticed more people than usual standing around talking. Then saw a chubby boy in the middle of the road, placed into a cart and carried off towards the castle. I ducked into the nearest alcove and drug Edgar with me. …show more content…

The edges shined smooth from the constant use from Geralt. Setting this stone aside and pulling out the lockbox. I tried everything I could think of to open the box, but couldn’t make any headway and was losing time.
I need to get to the kids, and find Micha. Too much to do and not enough time. I grabbed my sword from my sheath and smashed the lock on the box until it opened. Easy

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