The Great Gatsby Quote Analysis

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In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald revolves the book around the American dream. He symbolizes it by the green light, valley of ashes, and many other things. The american dream is to be rich, to be accepted by society, and to find love. In the book it shows how unless you are rich that people will not respect you. Also people will not allow themselves to be associated with you in any way, especially in terms of love. For example Daisy would not marry Gatsby because he was poor. On pg. 81 the quote says, “Next day she married Tom Buchanan without as much as a shiver.” It proves she did fall in love with Gatsby but she cared more about money and picked the wealthier choice. Gatsby became filthy rich all for Daisy because he loved her and he knew the only way he was going to have her was if he became wealthy. Another thing that is shown in the book is how important it is to be accepted by society. Everyone strives to be known and accepted by all the highest people. The quote, “My life has got to be like this, it’s got to keep going up,” shows how he keeps striving to be better and accepted. Daisy also wanted fame or to be noticed, so Gatsby had to be able to give that to her. Fitzgerald uses the characters goals to show that because everyone wanted to be popular or wealthy. …show more content…

Without love you will not be happy even if you are the most wealthiest and most famous person. In the book that is what most of the characters lack. Tom and Daisy are a prime example of how if you marry someone just for money you are not going to have happiness. Daisy admits her mistake in the quote, “And I hope she’ll be a fool- that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool,” by saying she hopes she will grow up and be herself and do what she wants instead of how Daisy herself grew up. Everyone seeks the American dream but forgets about the most important part and end up lacking

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