The Great Gatsby Cover Analyzation

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The cover of The Great Gatsby could be interpreted in numerous ways. It could represent Daisy, the eyes of Eckleburg, Gatsby, or even Myrtle. However, the character that seems to have the biggest correlation is Daisy. The entire book revolves around Gatsby's life and his experiences. What exactly does Gatsby's life revolve around? His life revolves around Daisy and his undying love for her. It only makes the most sense that the cover of the book would be the one thing he could treasured the most, and that is Daisy. Looking closely at the cover, the face has much more feminine features, with soft lips, glittering eyes, and a beret in the hair. The eyes on this face are shining so brightly and have such a passion in them, but this passion is not being directed towards another person, such as Gatsby or Tom. Daisy Buchanan's devotion in life was not to Gatsby, or even Tom, but to fine things. The face on the cover of The Great Gatsby is directing their adoration to the shining lights of the city. This has a direct relation to Daisy and her attitude of life. The only person Daisy truly ca...

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