The Golden Goblet By Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw

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The novel The Golden Goblet by: Eloise Jarvis McGraw, tells about a boy name Ranofer had a perfect life until his father died. His father was a master goldsmith and he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, but was stopped by his evil half brother Gebu. Many people believe do believe that the main idea in the story is when Ranofer finds a golden goblet that belonged to Ramses ll in Gebus room, but people also believe this the most reasonable is when Ranofer follows Gebu and Gebus friend into the queen's parents tomb because this leads to Ranofers freedom from Gebu, as well as the goblet Gebu stoll would be put back in the tomb and by Ranofer telling the Queen, the guards were able to stop Gebu before he would be able to steal from the queens parents tomb or even steal from other tombs. Some evidence for how it leads to Ranofers freedom is when the queen says, “Lord Merya… gives this boy the finest donkey in all Egypt. And tell Zau that the first necklace made hands of his new pupil must belong to no one but Queen Tiy” and she says this because Ranofer is finally going to be out of custody of the evil step brother Gebu. …show more content…

Fetch soldiers, end them to the valley” . Then minutes later after Ranofer had his wounds cleaned, he was fed and dressed in better clothes, the guard whispered to the queen, “The thieves were captured’’. So the soldiers were able to stop Gebu and his friend from any more

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