The Giver By Lois Lowry: Literary Analysis

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Novels are written to increase the reader’s imagination and the story The Giver by Lois Lowry can give the readers some really creative ideas. The Giver is about a twelve year old boy called Jonas who are selected to be the new Receiver of Memories. He want to give the memories back to the community. The author communicates the theme without memories, life is meaningless in the novel The Giver.

Jonas was selected to be the new Receiver of Memories when he become a twelve. The Giver transmit the memories of the world to Jonas. Firstly, Jonas start to notice that the members in the community did not experience the snow even his parents and the old. “ But what happened to Thor things? Snow, and the rest of it?” (Lowry, 106). Jonas asked a question to the Giver about when did the community have snow and sled and what happened to all those things. Secondly, in Jonas’s community the members have no experience of …show more content…

Thirdly, the members in the community do not have the experience of the memories. The Receiver of Memories are the only one that have the memories and the experience of it. “ It’s just that…without the memories it’s all meaningless. They gave burden to me. And the previous Receiver. And the one before him.” ( Lowry, 133). The Giver told Jonas that without memories the people in the community do not know what it really means to be human because they are more like robots control by the Elders. In addition, the members in the community have no feelings. They are not sad when people are been killed. “ Bye-bye, little guy,” ( Lowry, 188). Jonas heard his father say bye to one of the twin that got released by his father. In conclusion, the Giver told Jonas that without memories the members in the community are more like robots control by the Elders. Jonas and the Giver are also the only ones that has

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