The Giver

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I love reading and fiction in particular is really neat. Nothing has to be true, it’s like you’re in a whole other world. Besides reading pleasure and enjoyment, fiction provides a lot of things for our society. Fiction can show results of what our world could turn into in an over exaggerated way so that a point is proven about what we easily could become. Because of this, fiction teaches us lessons that we might not be able to learn in our regular lives. Fiction is also a way of conveying the importance of a tragedy by making it more appealing to the reader to read rather than a biography or an autobiography. Lastly fiction can show that issues we think are important are not important compared to starvation, murders, poverty, etc. I read The Giver by …show more content…

In some way or another, the country has been destroyed or changed because of the actions of the people living there. In The Giver, the leaders of their world are scared of people different and independent so they create Sameness. Because they were scared, they created a world of boring, sameness where even colors didn’t exist. Although it doesn’t seem very likely that the leaders of our country would ever do something like this, they are still human. Through fiction, we can see the results of fear, anger, depression and how they could affect us. Seeing these results, we can learn lessons that we might not have been able to learn without the help of a book. Someone might say that we should all be the same, but in reading The Giver we see that we should appreciate our differences not fear them. Another example of how fiction can teach us lessons is Jesus and his parables. He always told stories that were made up but they proved a point to the people around him. Sometimes it might be a lesson that you could learn in your everyday life but it’s easier to learn them by way of an over exaggerated

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