The Four Skinny Trees

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The Four Skinny Trees, written by Sandra Cisneros talks about connection and similarities they both have. She see the four trees in the different light than others. Esperanza see herself as a part of the tree. They compares their physical features to hers. Esperanza imagery of these trees are overwhelming. The four trees give her strength in way that allows her as a person to express feeling to them. She shows gratitude and speaks them about how they should not be stuck in the city . The trees are a symbol of hope and are a positive thing in her life. In many ways you could see She notices the trees when no one else cared. She is able to look up to them and speak her mind to them. Despite growing on concrete it shows power and the never give up attitude . This four tree holds strength. The four trees hold a powerful representation in her life. They are her three siblings and herself , Nenny, Carlos, Kiki. The four skinny trees are a meaning of the concrete that tries to hold them to ground like Esperanza and her sibling are trap in Mango Street. The trees teach her that she...

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