The Four Main Processs Of Standardization In The English Language

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What is the main processes of standardization? There is four main processes for standardization , First Codification developing and standardizing a standard for a language. All this take place through dictionaries , printing and education , this need the lowering of internal variability in the chosen variety and put norms of grammatical usage and vocabulary .The selected variety was codified in grammar books and dictionaries. Second Selection of on variety and one language , the selection of the language spoken by the kings and powerful people .The modification of the dialect of the South-East Midlands as the National Language of all England was a political requirement for the national aim .Third Elaboration that to be sure that the new …show more content…

This descriptive dictionaries characterize the language ,they have words that are commonly used if they are nonstandard , also they have nonstandard spellings .On the other hand , Prescriptive dictionaries resort to be anxious about standard English or correct ,they determine suitable usage and spellings of words .All today English dictionaries is descriptive .The dictionaries today are mixture of descriptive and prescriptive .Authors of sixteenth century such as John Hart select to characterize the pronunciation of educated speakers in and all London ,and also at this stage there was no try to force a standard pronunciation. In the late 18th century, the codification of pronunciation star, when Thomas Sheridan and John Walker produced obvious guides to correct pronunciation in the shape of pronouncing dictionaries. Walker was efficacious in setting standards for correct pronunciation. Many authors show the view that unity of language would raise the unity of the nation, English become a national language in Great Britain .The nineteenth century saw the beginning of descriptive linguistics but also brought a

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