The Forced Labor System In The Rubber Barons

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Forced labor system in Amazonia, isolated their workers—often being seParáted from others, working long trails and seParáted from their family. Based on primary accounts of explorers of the Amazon during the Rubber Boom, there are documented accounts of forced laborers being sick from European diseases, their native wives were sexually assaulted and their children were sold as servants. Survivors experienced a loss of their ethnic identity and forced from their lands. Because conditions were unfavorable to the rubber tappers, Rubber Barons had a constant fear of employees leaving without paying their debts. To insure tappers would not return to their previous homes Rubber Barons “exerted greater control over their labor forces by building portage roads around the rapids and patrolling the only safe passages downstream.” Many of the patrols would be armed, forcing laborers to produce rubber at higher rates and making sure they would not leave without paying off their debts.
In contrast Barbara Weinstein, argues that the indigenous had a great deal of agency within the rubber workplace. She states that natives could evade cruel punishments by moving to another rubber plot or by disappearing into urban life. However, Weinstein claims that mobility among these plots were rare because of the importance to community life among the tappers.
The rubber boom in Brazil collapsed leaving behind a still massive growing demand for the material. TALK ABOUT RUBBER BUST In the United States and …show more content…

The two groups are similar do to their laborers losing their identity while working on the farms. In plantations, like Fordlandia, natives are stripped away from their culture and pushed to become “Americanized”. Rubber Barons create wages systems that force tappers into debt, then they isolate them, and seParáte them from their

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