The Flip Side Of Internet Fame Analysis

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“The Flip Side of Internet Fame,” an article written by Jessica Bennett, warns readers of the harmful and often ignored side of internet fame. Using many examples from real life, she discusses how internet hate can affect the jobs, relationships, and overall well-being of those in the spotlight. She told the story of a boy being relentlessly teased for a video of him dancing, and explained that it was a constant source of shame for an already insecure teenager. Using the Romans as an example, Bennett explained that public humiliation has been used as a punishment technique throughout history, even before it was as simple as sharing a funny photo or video of a stranger.
There are certain aspects of Bennett’s article that I agree with. As someone who spends a great deal of time on the internet, I have witnessed many instances where someone's looks, personality, or actions cause them to become subject to humiliation. Many people do not think of the implications of their actions, including how it will affect the people involved. New photos and videos become viral constantly, resulting in thousands of people who are at risk of this unwanted spotlight. …show more content…

I feel that a large amount of the time, viral posts are not meant to harm others. Most of the viral content I see is posted by the person in the photo/video, is intended to be humorous, and the people sharing the viral content is in more of a “laughing with you” mindset, rather than “laughing at you.” In fact, viral images can often have a positive impact. While these begin from a tragic situation, I have seen many posts of family members and friends posting photos of their loved ones who have gone missing. Others will share these images, allowing a large number of people to be on the watch and help locate a lost loved

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