The Five Proofs For The Existence Of God

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I am sure it has crossed everyone’s mind before and really got them to think, Does God really exist? I know this questions has come across my mind before. Aquinas gives us five proofs for the existence of God with the first proof being motions. For example, an object that has been moved before like a ball has be moved by someone else. Aquinas believes that the moving ball or object has been put to motion by a first mover because it is impossible for an object to be moved by itself. The world we live in is constantly moving and Aquinas argues that this movement all started with God. God being the first mover and not being moved by anyone else.
The second proof Aquinas gives us is that everything has a cause. A cause is an action that produces a result and nothing can happen without a cause. A perfect example of a cause is us human, we have to breathe in order to survive. A driver must push on the gas in order for the car to go. Nothing can cause itself because for it to be its own cause it would have to exist primer to itself. The universe does exist meaning it must have been created and everything in this world has a first cause and that first cause is God. …show more content…

Nature is a good example because we find thing that have the possibility of existing or not existing. There is never a time when nothing existed because then if that were true there would be no prime being to cause the existence of our world. God came first before nature, animals, and everything. Aquinas states that everything in the universe attributes its existence to a necessary being. That being is God and God is necessary in himself. God does not find necessity in any other being because God has always existed and out world always find necessity in his

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