The Feickert Family: The Lemp Mansion

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Just about everyone in St. Louis has heard about the Lemp Mansion Haunting and the tragedies that befell the family. But what very few realize is that wasn’t the beginning of the sad Lemp Family saga, it was the end. What we know today as the Lemp Mansion wasn’t built by Lemp Family; it was actually built by another prominent St. Louis Family, the Feickerts. The Feickert Family started building the future Lemp Mansion in 1868. At the time, this was located in what would become one of the most opulent neighborhoods in the Midwest and it wasn’t even located in the city limits of St. Louis. In 1868, the future Lemp Mansion was located in an unincorporated area known as “The Commons,” and it was the hottest real estate market in the area. St. Louis was growing at such a pace that city planners couldn’t keep up with the ever-increasing demands of its population. Such rapid population growth and poor city planning left St. Louis citizens vulnerable to crime, disease outbreaks, and sanitation issues that killed thousands. Living in the commons was not only a sign of prestige but also one of security and safety. Prior to 1868, the Lemp Family actually lived across the street from the DeMenil Mansion. The first Lemp Mansion was built sometime in the early 1850’s. During the 1840’s the Lemp Family …show more content…

Louis lost everything in the ensuing economic panic. By the 1950’s the neighborhood was virtually a slum and city and civil engineers planned to eliminate this now blighted neighborhood by routeing Interstate 55 down the middle DeMenil Place (then known as 13th Street), which would require the razing of the entire neighborhood including the DeMenil Mansion and the Lemp Brewery Complex. Several mansions and parcels of land were bought under eminent domain by the State of Missouri in preparation for this massive construction

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