The Fear Of Violence In James Earl Jones's Native Son

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Have you ever pondered on why individuals crave the fear and adrenalin in committing a crime? Or how individuals get so frightened on the thought of crime? As I came across multiple quotes this is the one that stuck out the most; “The world is filled with violence. Because Criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose.” -James Earl Jones. Those problems occurred in the book Native Son, where the main character Bigger, is faced with many crimes he created for himself. Bigger robbed many businesses within his neighborhood as well as killing two human beings. As a citizen he committed many crimes throughout his community, craving the excitement in immorality. The quote mentions guns and how criminals carry concealed weapons, which reflects back to Bigger. As a character in a book, he represents individuals in our society today by carrying around a gun as a safety mechanism. The book shown Bigger never had a good home life, was highly uneducated and had a very low income. All of those issues caused him to commit a variety of crimes to receive what he desperately needed in life. Bigger shows for the whole group of zealous criminals; as someone with needs and wants, not achieving what they need one will go without hard work and dedication to steal someone else’s to get by, such as Bigger did. At the same time the Dalton’s, which is the family Bigger worked for never carried around a gun, had all the education supplied to them and had a …show more content…

To say the most, both are simply people. The two different groups of people are all the same functioning human on the inside. These two sets of individuals will have family, friends and ones who care deeply about them in their lives. After stating both sets are people, it is right to say both that a thought process and a reason behind

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