The Father and the Son An unbreakable bond

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Humanity has always reflected on the idea of its own demise in the near future and on the multiple scenarios that depict the end of times. This obsession has led to a very popular conception nowadays and it can be seen in many forms of media and literature. The vision of a dark and tragic future has penetrated our minds, giving birth to numerous conceptions and imaginings of an apparent doomsday scenario, which can be both fascinating and terrifying at the same time. The human mind is capable of conceiving several depictions of the end of the world, which are fueled by our world’s contemporary problems, the evolution of technology, religion or other science fiction theories. Whether society comes to an end by alien invasions, asteroid impacts, outbreaks of zombie pandemics, God’s Judgment, deadly viruses or nuclear wars, mankind’s strong appeal towards these fictional and very detailed illustrations of Armageddon will continue to surface and entertain us. First of all, the post-apocalyptic genre deals primarily with the downfall of human society, the decline of any moral codes, principles or traditions, the destruction of the environment and extermination of human life. At present, the most popular theories regarding humanity’s annihilation are related to the themes of technophobia –the fear of advanced technology- and nuclear war, mostly because of the important developments scientists and military researchers have achieved recently. Although these advancements have made our lives easier, they may also bring about more negative effects and a least pleasant outco The world Cormac McCarthy wrote about is certainly the grimmest and most decayed place a person may live in me for society, which has become addicted to technology. Mo... ... middle of paper ... ... put it in your mouth and point it up. Do it quick and hard. Do you understand? Stop crying. Do you understand?” (McCarthy, 2006:58). As uncomfortable as it may seem, the Father’s actions are justified because of the love he carries for his son. The two unnamed characters of the story prove that human dignity, decency and common sense can be more powerful than violence and the path of cowardness which leads to cannibalism. Their strong bond symbolizes the best features and qualities that a human being can exhibit. The nameless protagonists manage to survive against all the obstacles beset by the environment and the dangers represented by cannibals, simply by making right choices, appealing to their morality and decency. They demonstrate that humans can survive in a post-apocalyptic world without resorting to horrifying actions and to a barbaric state of humanity.

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