The Farce of Prison Rehabilitation

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The Farce of Prison Rehabilitation After Earl Shriner was released from Prison in 1987, he raped and strangled a seven-year-old boy, then cut off his penis and left him to die (Leo). Reginald Muldrew, who is linked to more than 200 sexual attacks, served sixteen years and was released from prison, only to create trouble again in Indiana (Leo). Did these individuals receive the right punishment or rehabilitation for their imprisonment crime? A prison is an institution for confining and punishing people who have been convicted of committing a crime. A prison is supposed to punish criminals by restricting their freedom of where they can go, what they can do, and with whom they may associate. In America, 1.1 million people are imprisoned (Prison). The course of action America's government should take towards individuals who have committed a crime, and the idea of imprisoning people for crimes against society have been an issue across America before it was founded. Before imprisonment was in use, criminals were punished by death or corporal punishment (Prison). Prisons today have four major purposes: retribution, the punishment for crimes against society; incapacitation, the removal of criminals from society so they don't harm innocent people; deterrence, prevention of future crime; and rehabilitation, activities designed to turn criminals into law-abiding citizens (Prison). The problem with America's prison system is that the four major purposes of the prisons aren't being fulfilled. While society has the right to punish offenders through the criminal justice system, it also has a duty to help them rebuild their lives, and assure that victims of crime do not suffer the damage caused by continue... ... middle of paper ... ...nd having them reconvicted again after being released. BIBLIOGRAPHY Evidence Grows That Prison Boom is Failing to Slow Crime Rate. [On-line]. November 16, 1997. Available: Leo, John. "Changing the Rules of a Deadly Game." U.S. News . December 23, 1996. p. 21 "Prison." The World Book Encyclopedia . Vol. 15. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 1986. pp. 709-712. Reducing Reoffending. [On-line]. November 10, 1997. Available: Internet Taylor, Jon. The Great Dumbell Theft. [On-line]. November 10, 1997. Available: Internet Taylor, Jon. The Prison System Does Not Work . San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1997

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