The Fall Of The House Of Usher By Edgar Allen Poe

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In “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allen Poe, there are three characters: the narrator, Roderic Usher, and his sister Madeline. But what about the house itself? The house seems to be alive in some sentient sense and could be behind anything supernatural that may have occurred. I theorize that decades of incest between family members and having to see it all made the house wish for the sweet release of death. The house cannot die though, because death meant collapse of itself and all inside. The house did not want to bring harm to the inhabitants, so it would have to wait until the Ushers either died on their own or left. The diseases and disorders given to the Usher siblings from decades of incest doubling genes to give them horrible These show the house’s pain and how much it wanted to die, so much that it gives off a depressing feeling, a feeling that is felt by the narrator. Since the house was alive it would give off noises from time to time, but only small sounds not too noticeable. But when coupled with Rodericks acute hearing from his illness, Roderick believe the house to be haunted. His superstition made him believe that there were strange forces at work that formed the base of his family mansion and all that is in it that had affected his morale. If only he knew how right he was. Although he mentioned hesitantly that it could just be his illness getting the best of him because he hated the thought of losing his sister. Roderick believed that it "would leave him the last of the ancient race of the Ushers."(Poe p13), which was a relieving but sad thought to the house. Soon after Madeline is believed to be dead. Roderick is crushed on the inside but silent on the outside and the house while sad for her end, was happy to be closer to its own. Roderick spends the next several days with the narrator surrounded by art and music. Soon Roderick informs the narrator of Madeline’s demise and plans to stash her body in the family vaults. The reason being her illness, with it being so unique, doctors would come from all over to study the body and had no immediate place for burial. The narrator follows his plan and they bring her down to the vaults and store her in a coffin behind a heavy iron door. The house is silent through the entire event and only takes notice of something after the vault is sealed. Soon after they leave the house realizes that Madeleine is still alive and panics. The house had no way to tell Roderick and the narrator that she was alive. Madeline somehow makes it out of the coffin and tries to dig her

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